Trade CFD ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds – to gain exposure to a wide range of stock markets, sectors, commodities, bonds and currencies. Buy the ones you like, short the ones you don’t.
Trade ETFsETF is short for: Exchange Traded Fund.
ETFs combine the features of funds and equities into one instrument. Like other investment funds, they group together various assets, such as stocks or commodities. This helps the ETF track the value of its underlying market as closely as possible.
For instance
There are ETFs that track the FTSE 100, containing constituents of that index proportional to the FTSE’s price. Other exchange traded funds may group together companies working in certain sectors, like Lithium producers, or follow an asset like Gold.
Here are some of the most commonly occurring Exchange Traded Funds available for investors.
These include government bonds, corporate bonds, and US municipal bonds, covering state and local bonds
Used by forex investors to invest in a variety of currencies such as USD, EUR, or GBP
These group together different commodities, with popular funds including oil ETFs, gold, and other metals
Group together stocks in a specific industry, they may take a wider view of their industry, representing companies working across all sectors, like tech manufacturers, component suppliers, technology retailers etc
An inverse Exchange Traded Fund attempts to earn gains from stock declines by shorting stocks, commodities, bonds or other financial assets
A CFD account will allow you to trade online while accessing a variety of ETFs. Go long or short depending on your view of the market.
Сalculate your hypothetical P/L (aggregated cost and charges) if you had opened a trade today.
Account Type
Amount must be equal or higher than
Amount should be less than
Amount should be a multiple of the minimum lots increment
Conversion Fee
Required Margin
Overnight Swaps
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
All positions on instruments denominated in a currency that is different from your account currency, will be subject to a conversion fee at the position exit as well.